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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Post 11. Symbol.

This post is just about, some of the adventures I've been on. I've got lots of sides, an artistic side, an adventurous side, most importantly a vulnerable side. I have been posting photos through the years, they are here:

Model 299 Photo Sets

Overall I guess I'd just assumed people knew what the study of modern culture was, when I refer to it. It is about understanding stereotypes, and being capable of critically analyzing the 'texts' in the culture. One of the reasons I love collages so much is that they are sourced in modern culture, the texts come from magazines. When I do my 'journal' it is really easy to represent a sign of the times because the sensations permeate the printed texts. The use of analogy and symbol and metaphor are available concepts no matter which school of psychology or philosophy you follow; being aware of the symbols and their intrinsic meaning for you as an individual, allows for the meta-representation of those symbols. In a way, you are what you watch or view much like you are what you eat, it makes good media-nutritional sense to have a discerning media-palate. These meta-representations allow you to reciprocally embed your core values into the things you internalize, and not so much be at the mercy of the producers of the media or mainstream ideals in total.

My collages all mean something different to each person who sees them, perhaps with a different theme for each or a symbol that I was alluding to while constructing them. The iconology I suppose is the most important aspect, because all of these icons were produced by mainstream media:

Art and Collages

Someone gave me a painting by Marc Chagall, I suppose if I'm discussing the iconology of something that painting is one to mention, it contains all of Chagall's more famous symbols. They are arranged in such a way that they enshrine the woman, from his paintings. This must have been one of his later works, because it is not missing any of the signs he is known for. I won't post an image of it, but there is something to be said for the transfiguration that symbols undergo throughout an artist's lifetime.

Anyhow, enjoy the images.

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