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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Sunday, August 2, 2020

293. Gratitude.

Learning to discover and create new and better ways to help people who are in need in an emergency, and while working, imbuing others with the positive energy needed to do the same.

Creating a company and a vision with the potential to save the world, and keeping the natural propensity to do so alive and well with people as a part of the work there.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

292. Restoration.

There were muses of an urban sprawl
and an urban brawl,
the only thing that counts is a story.
and you get a different bite to you
as you're shaped by the lessons of time.

Emerald skies' fancy flames
licked by a tiger's sense of
courage and respect,
lived in the calm before the storm
or a painting once remembered
by the heart of a callous man.

Pictures weren't easy to come by
and I had a certain appreciation
for an artist,
and a certain respect for
the pavement
and the way it wears a boot.

Then a re-story, in this time of
ineffectual butterflies and
a drastic need to legitimize the tale.
My caution came up
I remembered the ways in which a war becomes empirical.

Maybe she was also an edgy lass,
Maybe the story was first too hard to tell.
Though, I'd taught myself trust and faith.
the austerity of a sensed medium
the rememberance of someone who was there

Love, had so many words.
She'd teach them, as we'd listen.
Rendered in
Four quarters of a heartbeat or
a barcode valentine.

Iconic, how it was still, and up to her somehow to decide.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

291. Cadence.

I thought of pristine moments like this one
As cages
Each one of them clearly defined by the situation before it
And the consequences afterward.

Each memory boxed up,
But still pristine of itself.
Deviation seemed the wrong word anyway
The way it rolls off the tongue
Half a syllable caught in the apex of time.

Max Weber probably understood
The desire in each of the boxes.
Can I own you, dear, are you mine to keep on a shelf
I can return to you in perfect condition just after the lapse
Of your appreciation of all the achievements
Wrapped up in this…

The reality was as pristine as the bullet from the shots a man fired
with my name on them.

I’d wondered if the devil had come by any other name
With a heart like a butterfly net
Weber’s submission to the difference between wants and needs.
I wonder if she’d written it for him.

Wisdom I’d reflected on
In humble moments from the same row of homes
Between the want in each shiny perfect glimmer
And the gray lump of lead at velocity.

I wondered what one moment was worth
Then I kissed her.

To some, it was maybe the difference between shamrocks and clover.
To me it was the way it always works out,
In the rhythm of time
With our dreams arranged in the cadence of
 the distant drummer.

It's a size 10 boot by The North Face bae. Geotags included.