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Monday, August 6, 2018

Flash Writing.

The flash writing challenge is written from scratch between posts. This post introduces a second character. 

Dimitri. Lugnut, Turkey Lover, all-around good Samaritan Cosmonaut.


"Another geomagnetic disturbance reading. It's not natural, simple as that." He thought, if that weren't simple enough to explain he wasn't going to try again.

"Dimitri, I know your theories are compelling, but you need to be careful what you declare as this is an international team present." She let her clipboard float by it's tether. Candice thought to encouraged some discretion as international tensions were high. Command of Space Station Alpha wasn't luxiurious even as people forgot the Cold War, now it was a hotbed of latent fear, that she knew Dimitri sometimes harbored and she needed him for a spacewalk later that rotation.

"So really I find it ironic, how a classroom experiment growing crystals leads to this finding Doctor. How again is this bunch of school supplies going to help us find moving transmitters? I don't think you're serious."

"Dimitri, you're walking this rotation whether it works out or not, we do need evidence to support your theory. After that I found a way to finish cooking that frozen turkey for the crew if it will help." Duct tape held down a roasting pan well, but it didn't go in the oven easily. Well unless it was the tape she'd just invented out of sugar paste, salt crystals, paper and graphite from the crates of classroom materials in the cargo hold.

"I don't care about the turkey, if we want to find an antenna, how do school supplies help?" Simple as that, he thought, it's not that simple.

"School pencils conduct electricity, Dimitri, the electricity corrodes with specific heat and resistance and bonds through current along sodium ions in zero gravity and can show us disturbances in the geomagnetic field through the growth of the crystals moving in the indicated direction, as well as the intensity we can determine from the distance in each layer of what used to be condensation, sugar, and salt. Like a map, you are aware of maps right Cartographer?" Candice was through explaining the fifth time, but she thought maybe he just liked to listen to her do so, after all it would calm his neurons to listen to her voice. He probably knew that too, she thought.

"Right, moisture and gravity. So, If I don't calibrate these pencils!" He emphasized, frustrated with his physical knowledge of her meaning, "According to the exact relationship needed with the accelerometer chips reading the velocity, directions and gravity, we have basically an art project." There. That time it felt simple.

"Simple as that. Dimitri, you can do it." She encouraged.

"In space."

"Yes hero, in space."

"I think maybe we will find these transmitters."


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