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Saturday, October 29, 2016

119. Kintsugi

An Ekphrasis, lightly. The image source: http://fedeporpy.deviantart.com/art/Kintsugi-483304360


If it weren't for the shimmer
the hope imbued
sun-seeking sublimation
restoration from darker hues,
If it weren't for the beauty
of strength and self honor
a course set for discovery
of the light behind the pinhole sky,
If it weren't for the scorn
I'd also show a man
creating tapestries
from black bear fur strands,
If it weren't that my reflection
also shown through the cracks
the light fractured mirrors
I am both sides, if you'd asked;
If it weren't for the truth
that angels could tell
the story of recovery
a rescue mission to hell...
I'd soon apologize,
because human I may be
I'm sorry I'm not the monster
the stories wanted me to be.
Instead of empty white space
stillness in a moment
missing time I earned
my gold shimmer I learned
would be words offering solace.
I will say I learned love
from creating something new
of pieces I found scattered
once those eyes were mine too.
Visions and dreams
cultivate over time
I'll reciprocate the best ones
to build from what's gone by.
If you hadn't to speak
I wouldn't have known
so the anger subsides
in the words that you've shown.
So instead I would thank you
my soul still inside this man,
you see a life I'd lost too,
I'll make it the best I can
in your time my ghost stood by you;
away from body, I could but just stand.
I promised for my truancy,
I'd curate golden exhibits;
and seek striving to rend.
If there were violence,
that would be what I'd end.

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