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Monday, December 21, 2015

Post 45: Creative Forces.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I dragged you into the wartime consequences that I didn't know were coming, the minefield that nobody thought was real, and the conversation that never got to end with a celebration of our victories.
It's not like they were trying to harm me. Not at all. It's more like they wanted to destroy anything and everything that I ever loved and turn it into purposeless white ash, scrap metal, a continent overflowing with nothing. In that nothing space they would watch, and see what love looks like from afar; and then they would try to render it asunder, capture it, keep it under siege, and destroy hope, as though that would give them power unto themselves that mutually assured destruction and nuclear domination did not.

Most of all, they wanted it to be my fault.
Their guilt is their prison.
I felt too deeply, I was too American, I cared about the children, I wanted to end the violence. I wanted it to stop, I wanted them to stop. They wanted it to be my responsibility, so they would be free of the countless tragedies they created in the name of oil, to earn blood money in a land with no law.
I put on my hat, strapped in my gear, locked my cylinders, and Tribunal was the name of the series. My boots wore the miles well.
You, were my desert rose, you shone light in all of my dark places and gave me the power to grow from the most hazardous substances, and a little faith. They owe you much, my dear.
This is what there is to speak:
Mostly I'm sorry if they hurt you,
I'm sorry if you told them you loved me,
I'm sorry that a war wasn't exactly what I had planned for us;
it turns out loving is a dangerous thing to do, in an unjust world as this.
...I'm not sorry that I still do, every day."
-S. Corey Hixson, 2015

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